What’s in Your Heart?

What’s in your heart?… 
We all have this autopilot inside of us that handles our daily routine functions. 

Breathing and walking are the obvious ones but what about those expected and meaningless interactions? 

You know, like the store clerk or that same person you see daily in the hall or gym? 

You have no emotional connection to them. 

They say “How are you doing? ” And you say “fine” with no thought or effort.  

Now what about when you need to either forgive someone or let go of something emotionally or pride fully? 

Do you find yourself mouthing the words of the correct or expected response yet keeping your imagined control of it in your heart? 

Perhaps that’s why we stay needlessly hurt or angry. 

We lock that thing in our heart yet act like it’s gone. 

God can fix that, but we must open our hearts and let go for real.  

Check your experience.

“…he should understand that he must undergo a change of heart.” Big Book pg. 143 

Lord let us open our hearts to be filled with your Spirit and healed by your grace, AMEN.  

“I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.” Isaiah 57:15 

Have a blessed day Y’all!  

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 


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