Doubting Minds

Our tricky minds…

Sometimes when I let my mind wander, it tries to take me down the path of doubt. 

If I permit this “stinkin’ thinkin’” to continue then the path widens to include worry, fear, and ultimately negativity all fueled from my own self-will. 

What helps me during these times is to remember that the answers are not in my head and that I am no longer in charge of me. 

When I made the life changing decision to turn my will and my life over to God, HE became not only my “Employer” but also my mentor, guide, and rock. 

I have learned to stay out of my own head and not go there by myself because it is filled with fear-based illusions fueled by the worldly clamors around us. 

God has us covered. 

He not only has us here for a purpose, but also, HE has a plan for us that we can easily understand if we seek His will daily. 

Check your experience… 

“We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well. Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans, and designs.” Big Book pg. 63 

Lord, let us know in our hearts that You have a purpose and a plan for us that will keep us secure, successful, serene, and covered by Your grace, AMEN. 

“God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.” Ephesians 2:10 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System. 

AZ Charitable TAX CREDIT! 
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