
Am I being persistent, pushing through my struggles, moving ahead to where I know i need to go, or am I giving up? Am I taking the easy way out? For me, pushing through tough times is a challenge! I don’t always do what I know what is right. I give up! But, continuing to look up, not out, and reaching out to the men in my life for help, helps me to push through the tough times. To be persistent! I am grateful for the people God has blessed me with in my life!

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Uncover, Discover, Discard

Uncover Discover Discard…One of the best ways to move forward is to understand our past. Experience has taught me and those I trust and learn from that while we can learn...
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Best Gift EVER

The best gift ever… Almost everyone has an example of the best present they have ever received. Usually, folks associate this pleasant thought with a Christmas present, a significant life change, or...
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Everyday Faith

 Faith is not believing that God can; it is in knowing God will... Have you ever considered that the things we rely on most we don’t actually see or understand how...
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Watching Our Words

Watching our words…. Maybe it’s different for you, but sometimes the thoughts in my head that need to stay there slip out of my mouth as words and it’s never good. I...
Author: Ron P