
Am I being persistent, pushing through my struggles, moving ahead to where I know i need to go, or am I giving up? Am I taking the easy way out? For me, pushing through tough times is a challenge! I don’t always do what I know what is right. I give up! But, continuing to look up, not out, and reaching out to the men in my life for help, helps me to push through the tough times. To be persistent! I am grateful for the people God has blessed me with in my life!

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Drop the Rocks!

Drop the rocks...Did you ever notice that in times of stress, fear, or extended worry your back usually aches and your shoulders and neck are stiff and tight? Sheesh!  What's up...
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Encourage Instead of Discourage

Striving and encouraging….I don’t watch a lot of  TV but the show American Ninja Warriors caught my attention. The men and women who compete in the show work their tails off...
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Becoming Teachable

 Becoming teachable...Remember the last time you were able to lay aside your preconceived notions, expectations, and self-made opinions in order to truly learn something new? Yeah, it's been a while for...
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Choosing Good Choices

The power of choice… We face many choices daily but for me, the most important and constant choice I face is to either seek God’s will or follow my own self-will. Maybe...
Author: Ron P