Love is in the Air

 Love is in the air!…

Lots of love in the air today!

Cards, candy, and flowers helping and hoping  to seal the deal so to speak!

Remember folks, we each have a personal Valentine that loves unconditionally JUST AS WE ARE!  

Deep in our heart exists the Holy Spirit that not only looks out for us and protects us when we allow it to, but also loves us unconditionally!  

Don’t believe me, just check your experience!…

“He stood in the Presence of Infinite Power and Love.” Big Book pg 56

Lord, as we share this day with our loved ones today, let us remember Your ultimate unconditional love for us, AMEN.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16

Have a blessed day Y’all!

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System. 

AZ Charitable TAX CREDIT! 
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