Renewing Our Spirit

New day, fresh start, new attitude… 

Sometimes we get into the routine of our daily lives and what used to be exciting or fresh in our hearts becomes dulled by the daily monotony of habit and comfortable routine. 

Over time, if not checked and renewed, these tasks, routines, and even relationships can suffer from our being taken hostage by monotony. 

There is a solution. 

Even when our tasks and routines need to contain the same things, we can renew our spirits daily by simply turning our will and our lives over to the Lord daily! 

Come on.. Give it a try… and as always… Check your experience… 

“This means a new attitude and spirit all around.” Big Book pg. 99

Lord thank You for allowing us to refresh ourselves and our lives through renewing ourselves daily with your Spirit, AMEN. 

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” Ephesians 4:23 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System. 
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