Faith It

Faith it till ya make it…

Have you heard the term “blind faith” or maybe even the expression of “taking something on faith”?  

It seems this faith thing has some powerful pull to it.

Most of us take many things daily by faith without even thinking about it.  

When we put the key into the car ignition, we assume it will start, or when we flip a light switch or use the remote to our TV, we naturally expect it to turn on.

Why is it then that we seem to demand proof of other things before they happen?

Now maybe it’s different for you, but I seldom get into a debate over my car starting, or feel the need to have an engineer come to our home to tell me that our light switch will work before I try.

So why is it then do we at times, myself included, DEMAND that God  show us proof of success before we attempt something new or uncomfortable.

Just look at the sun, the sky and feel the air we breathe!

We use faith daily, isn’t it time we give God more credit with our faith in Him?…

Check your experience…

“In one form or another we had been living by faith and little else.” Big Book pg 54

Lord, let us have the same faith in You as we have in our car keys and light switches because You never fail us, AMEN.

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1

Have a blessed day y’all!  

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