
Learning to rely….. 

We learn from an early age to rely on others. 

As children we rely on adults to keep us healthy, safe, and to help us grow. 

As adults we learn that self- reliance only takes us so far and we need to rely on people, places, and things to get through our daily journey. 

This is a good plan but we are only as good as what it is we rely upon. 

Think about it. 

People are human after all and prone to failures and mistakes. 

Places can change due to the people in them or economic circumstances. 

Things like electronics get outdated and even obsolete. 

So the question is what can we rely upon that never changes and always is in step with our lives? 

Maybe it’s different for you, but the answer for me and my house has been, is, and will forever be to rely on our relationship with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit…

 F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God!.. 

Check your experience… 

“When we saw others solve their problems by a simple reliance upon the Spirit of the Universe, we had to stop doubting the power of God.” Big Book pg. 52 

Lord, let us learn to rely on You and trust Your presences and guidance in our lives, AMEN. 

 “…we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God,” 2 Corinthians 1:9 

 Have a blessed day y’all!

 Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System.

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