Eating With The Enemy

Check out this trailer for a new Christian movie coming out:

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Guard Those Words

Guard your words and walk your talk…  Perhaps it’s different for you and I hope it is, but I spent many years reacting to emotions and allowing words fueled by fear,...
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We Can’t Buy It

It ain't for sale... Just about anything we could possibly want or think we need is available instantly these days. From the basics of food, shelter, and clothing to instant fixes from...
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“We’re drowning in information but starving for wisdom.” What am I feeding my soul with? What am I allowing into my mind? What kind of Information am I looking for?...
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Looking at Your Heart

It’s a matter of the heart…Have you ever heard or used the expressions; “’ You’re all heart, ‘; ‘ She has a lot of heart’; or ‘bless his heart”?Hopefully, we...
Author: Wade