
“We’re drowning in information but starving for wisdom.”

What am I feeding my soul with? What am I allowing into my mind? What kind of Information am I looking for?

I pray that I fill my mind with the right kind of information that will lead me to transformation!
The kind of information that gives me the wisdom to become who God created me to be.

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Not Our First Rodeo

Que sera sera, whatever will be will be…. What makes the Bible so vibrant and vital to every generation and time period, including today is the fact that despite minor details,...
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Clear Vision

Clearing our vision… Those of us who wear eyeglasses know that we must frequently clean them in order to have clear vision. Most of us enjoy a clean windshield free of debris...
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Actions Instead of Words

Don’t talk about it…BE about it ….Have you ever noticed that the things we remember most are experiences we have participated in?Words and lessons we study are important also, and...
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That “Higher Power”

Using the correct power source … Human beings are amazing creatures. When we want something we usually and naturally use our own power to provide the correct effort to gain it. On occasion...
Author: Ron P