
“We’re drowning in information but starving for wisdom.”

What am I feeding my soul with? What am I allowing into my mind? What kind of Information am I looking for?

I pray that I fill my mind with the right kind of information that will lead me to transformation!
The kind of information that gives me the wisdom to become who God created me to be.

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Trading the Truth for a Lie

Truth or consequences… Perhaps you have a better handle on this, but it can get confusing for me at times to know when I am getting the truth or a lie...
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Am I trying to be understanding in my relationships, or am I trying to be understood? I am getting better at trying to see that we all see things differently....
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We Use Faith Daily

Faith is not believing that God can; it is in knowing God will... Have you ever considered that the things we rely on most we don’t actually see or understand how...
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Heart Matters

It’s a matter of the heart…  Have you ever heard or used the expressions; “’ You’re all heart, ‘; ‘ She has a lot of heart’ ; or ‘bless his heart’”? Hopefully,...
Author: Ron P