Are You Teachable?

Becoming teachable…

Remember the last time you were able to lay aside your preconceived notions, expectations, assumptions, and self-made opinions in order to truly learn something new?  

Yeah, it’s been a while for me too!

Part of having free will and becoming an adult is this magic magnifying mind that we have that likes to unconsciously grow and feed from our perceptions and experiences.

It tries to predict situations for us as well as attempts to harden our hearts through our own self-made assessments and judgements.  

Until we stop this process and set aside the ability and power it has over us, we cease to truly grow spiritually.  

Kids don’t have this.

They look 
at us with wide eyes and open minds thirsty to learn.

It’s only when we can open our minds willingly in this manner can God truly teach us and fill our hearts with His Spirit and wisdom. ...

Check your experience…  

“But after a while we had to face the fact that we must find a spiritual basis of life-or else.” Big Book pg. 44

Lord let us set aside our own thoughts and become teachable like a child for Your Word, AMEN.    

“He said:  I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3  

Have a blessed day Y’all!

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