Affections not Afflictions

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Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Get rid of the stinkin’ thinkin’… Perhaps it’s different for you, but there is a magic magnifying glass in my mind that loves to try to increase the size and focus...
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Watch Your Tongue!

Watch your tongue… It’s that time of year when we gather together with family, friends, and others to fellowship, celebrate, and spend time with others that we may not see that...
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Truth or Lies?

Exchanging the truth for a lie… Part of being human and having free will is dealing with the constant challenges we face daily for our attention and focus. There are all kinds...
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Love Does

Love is all you need…. We have answers and solutions and fixes for just about everything imaginable these days. The internet, TV, and most brick-and-mortar retail stores have the ability to sell...