Just Ask!

Ours for the asking… 

We have to work in some form or fashion for just about everything in life. 

Obviously, we work to provide for our families, and we work at getting things we want and like. 

We even work on ourselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually in order to keep healthy. 

One of the things that we don’t have to work for is God’s, unconditional love. 

He chose us and it’s ours for the asking! 

However, we must work to build a relationship with Him in order to grow in Christ and know His will. 

How is this working out for you?.. 

Check your experience… 

“God either is or He isn’t. What was our choice to be?” Big Book pg 53 

Lord, thank You for choosing us and allowing us the opportunity for Your grace and everlasting life, AMEN. 

 “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you. I have set you apart for the work of bringing in fruit. Your fruit should last. And whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” John 15:16 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

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