Welcome Men

Welcome to Guys With God! We are a group of guys who are trying to learn from each other through the struggles of life that all men have! As we begin to grow our site, please let us know if there is something you are currently struggling with, and we will do our best to help you work through where you are to where you want to be by sharing the experiences of Christ-centered men who have been burdened with similar challenges and experiences!

Iron Sharpens Iron!

Welcome Men!

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Fixing Broken Connections

 Fixing those broken connections… Have you ever noticed the amount of stuff available that helps us to fix things? From the self-help meccas of Home Depot and Lowes to the auto parts...
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Transparent = Walking Your Talk

Being transparent… Isn’t it nice when it turns out that things and people ARE what they seem? We don’t get to experience much of that today, but it sure is refreshing when...
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Faith + Works = Life

Don’t talk about it…BE about it …. Have you ever noticed that the things we remember most are experiences we have participated in? Words and lessons we study are important also, and...
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Letting Go

For me, it has been a struggle to learn how to let things go! i have struggled with holding on to past hurts, and most of all, resentment towards others!...
Author: Ron P