
Over the past several months I’ve been on a journey of discovering how prideful I am! It seems the more I realize how much pride I have, the more I see how prideful I am! It really comes out when someone, (usually my wife), doesn’t say, do, or act in a way in which I believe is right! I get angry, frustrated, and disappointed because I didn’t get my way. Anyone else feel that way?

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Ask Seek Knock

ASK… SEEK… KNOCK… These are powerful words requiring individual efforts and actions that lead to amazing and blessed results. I get caught up in my own head at times and begin to...
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As I continue on this journey God has me on, He continues to reveal my prideful ways. It is not an easy thing to see in myself. But, I continue...
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Keep Walking the Path

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We all use some form of DEPENDS!..Yup, I said it! While the adult diaper is a necessity for some folks, we all have something we DEPEND upon. Think about it! We depend on...
Author: Ron P