
Over the past several months I’ve been on a journey of discovering how prideful I am! It seems the more I realize how much pride I have, the more I see how prideful I am! It really comes out when someone, (usually my wife), doesn’t say, do, or act in a way in which I believe is right! I get angry, frustrated, and disappointed because I didn’t get my way. Anyone else feel that way?

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Get Back Up!

Keep on getting back up…. We face many challenges daily. Some we are used to and because of this we naturally know what to do to overcome them and move on. Some are...
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Looking Away? …Look to Help!

Looking away or looking to help.... Sometimes when we see uncomfortable or unpleasant things, we divert our eyes away so our mind won't focus and our hearts won't feel the situation. I...
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Fertile Soil

Things grow better in fertile soil… Have you ever noticed how certain plants grow and thrive in some climates but not in others? I live in Arizona and while many forms of...
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Bad Moments Are Not Bad Days

“Don’t turn a bad moment into a bad day.”Back in Sacramento, years ago, ol’ Dick E. of Group 3 used to say this “phrase that pays” the AA meetings. I have...
Author: Ron P