Turn the Page

Turn the page…. 

Many resolutions will be posted tomorrow and while it’s encouraging to see so many intent on change, we need to remember that change begins inside of us. 

Without our change of heart, mind, and soul, nothing really changes. 

The great news is that we are each capable of change and that there is a plan for success waiting for us if we would only allow ourselves to commit to Christ… 

Check your experience.. 

“We had to ask ourselves why we shouldn’t apply to our human problems this same readiness to change our point of view.” Big Book pg 52 

Lord let us look inside our hearts to see the changes we need and to turn our will and our lives over to You in order to see the plan You have for us, AMEN.  

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 

Have a Safe New Year’s Eve y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life?
Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 


Want in? 

[email protected] 
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