Transparent = Walking Your Talk

Being transparent… 

Isn’t it nice when it turns out that things and people ARE what they seem? 

We don’t get to experience much of that today, but it sure is refreshing when we do. 

It seems to be a cultural norm that either we are only seeing and hearing what we want to, or we are being shown and told only what others think we want. 

It sure gets confusing. 

It’s a spiritual principle as well as a biblical truth that we are at our best when we do what we say and say what we do. 

Living transparently allows us to be us all the time and not have to switch characters and remember what roles we need to assume for different people and situations… 

Check your experience… 

“There is action and more action. “Faith without works is dead.” Big Book pg. 88 

Lord, let us be transparent in our daily lives, learning to be the best we can be through seeking and doing Your will, AMEN. 

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

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