The Consequences of Free Will

The consequences of free will… 

We have speed limits that suggest how fast we should go. 

We have warning labels on products to help us understand their intended use. 

We even have instructions on other things to help us use them correctly, like “rinse, lather, repeat.” 

Even though we are free to do what we want, ignoring these suggestions can lead to consequences. 

It’s the same with our free will. 

While we can choose to behave any way, we like, but we are still accountable spiritually and morally. 

I have made enough poor choices in my journey to learn that I GET what I GIVE. 

These days I try to follow the speed limits and align my will with God’s instead of doing my own thing. 

How’s it working out for you?.. 

Check your experience… 

Wasn’t it because self-reliance failed us?” Big Book pg. 68 

Lord, let us enjoy the blessings and grace of seeking Your will and not be blinded by the illusions of self will, AMEN. 

“You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you.” 1 Corinthians 6:12 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Joins us in prayer and financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System 
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