Some Gave All…

0 49

Transforming Time

Be transformed..... Those pesky expectations I sometimes allow to sneak in and dominate my thinking always cause me confusion when real everyday life fails to match up to the picture in my...
0 134

When the Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough…. We all experience trying times and receive not-so-good news every now and then.  Maybe it’s different for you, but even after all these years of walking...
0 80

Attitude of the Mind

Change your mind… Have you ever noticed how much our minds tend to magnify the things that are fear driven? It's human nature for this to happen but it’s sad to see...
0 373

Does Your Walk Match Your Talk?

Do what you say and say what you do… Have you ever noticed that the people you tend to trust the most are the ones whose walk matches their talk? Heck, we...