
For me, I truly believe that my relationships are the most challenging, yet most rewarding experiences that I will ever have and go through in my life! For me, in my marriage, am I fighting about it, or am I fighting for it? Am I trying to win the battles, or am I trying to win the relationship? I struggle with wanting to always be right. Thinking my ways are the best ways! Being prideful! Those are times when I find myself fighting about the relationship. If I can swallow my pride, and realize that we want the same things in our marriage, but that we just have different ways of achieving them, neither way being right or wrong, just different, than I can continue to fight for our relationship! I have to have that mindset in all my relationships. In the end, all that matters is God and people!

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Pulling Weeds

Pull the weeds trying to grow near your heart...Static noise and visual distractions are everywhere these days. Our tablets and electronic devices are bombarded with visual ads trying to distract us. I...
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Where is Your Key?

Now where is THAT key?.. “So often it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key”… verse from Already Gone by The...
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Work or Love?

Work is one of them 4 letter words…..Work seems to be a heavy word. There are things in life we must do that we don’t necessarily enjoy that require work. From simple...
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2 Reasons Christians Lose Their Joy (And What to Do about It)

Based on Reforming Joy: Paul, the Reformers, and the Church Today by Tim Chester. Faith Alone in Christ Alone How did you first become a Christian (if you are one)? Remind...
Author: Ron P