
Over the past several months I’ve been on a journey of discovering how prideful I am! It seems the more I realize how much pride I have, the more I see how prideful I am! It really comes out when someone, (usually my wife), doesn’t say, do, or act in a way in which I believe is right! I get angry, frustrated, and disappointed because I didn’t get my way. Anyone else feel that way?

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Clear Headed

Clear-headed… Most of us are busy these days trying to live life on life’s terms. From the jobs we have that provide the income that helps us to have homes to live...
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Drinking Good Water

Don't drink the Kool-Aid, just drink water... When an unknown person, place, thing, or situation comes wrapped in a pretty package, it can be misleading. Perhaps it’s different for you, but I...
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Tempting Choices

What is our choice going to be?... We are confronted daily with many situations calling for us to make a choice. What roads to take to get to our destination, what to...
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Offer a Hand Up Instead of a Hand Out

Give a hand up and not a handout…  Have you ever noticed that when you give stuff to people for free, they will usually take it?  It’s a nice thing...
Author: Ron P