
Am I praying enough with and for my wife? I am not consistent enough in doing this. I need to get better at being intentional with this. In those times that I do pray with my wife, I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Starting my day with a short prayer with my wife helps us to set the tone for our day. Getting closer to God brings us closer together. We, as men, are called to be the Spiritual Leaders of our home. Praying with our spouses is a huge part of that! I need to get better at this!

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Guard Your Heart

GUARD YOUR HEART!We have many things in our lives that keep us safe and protected from harm.  From the clothes we wear to protect us from the elements to the various...
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From the Heart

From the heart… It’s easy today to show support for just about anything. Social media allows us to post our support for our causes. Our dollars show our support for the products, businesses,...
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No Pain No Gain

No gain....Maybe it's different for you, but I can honestly say that I do not enjoy pain of any kind in any form. I don't intentionally go looking for it...
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As I continue on this journey called ”life”, God continues to reveal His Wisdom to me. One of the areas of my character He continues to grow is my patience....
Author: Ron P