
Am I praying enough with and for my wife? I am not consistent enough in doing this. I need to get better at being intentional with this. In those times that I do pray with my wife, I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Starting my day with a short prayer with my wife helps us to set the tone for our day. Getting closer to God brings us closer together. We, as men, are called to be the Spiritual Leaders of our home. Praying with our spouses is a huge part of that! I need to get better at this!

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Serving or Being Served?

Are you serving or being served?.. This is a thought to consider as we celebrate Labor Day today. It’s easy to sit and be served. We experience this at restaurants, hair salons, doctor...
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Everyday Faith

 Faith is not believing that God can; it is in knowing God will... Have you ever considered that the things we rely on most we don’t actually see or understand how...
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Blame Game

The blame game…  It’s because of them, or they made this happen, which leads to the famous, ‘it’s not MY FAULT’. Think about it, we all tend to have these feelings from...
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Catch Someone Doing Good!

Catch someone doing something right today!..Have you ever noticed how much our news and all forms of media are filled with negativity, fear, and doom? More importantly, how are our eyes...
Author: Ron P