My Identity

For most of my life, I lived worrying about what others thought of me. Was I good enough? Did I do enough? I never seemed to be at peace! Once I started my relationship with Jesus, that all started to slowly change! Today, I know who I am. I have nothing to prove. Nobody to impress. But, only one to please! My identity is found in my relationship in Christ! Today, I can find the peace and joy in knowing that. I can now focus on others, instead of worrying about what others think.

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We All Have a Talent

Everybody's good at something…. We all have talents, abilities, and skills. Thank goodness they are not all the same.It’s easy to get caught up in the cultural norm of our society to...
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Where is All the Good News?

Where is all the good news?.. We hear stories about road rage and other examples of incidents that are fueled by emotional reactions all the time. While it grabs our attention for...
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Watching Our Words

Watching our words…. Maybe it’s different for you, but sometimes the thoughts in my head that need to stay there slip out of my mouth as words and it’s never good. I...
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Listen to Hear THEN Speak

Take time to listen before waiting to speak… Have you ever caught yourself on “auto-pilot” in a conversation? For me, it usually happens during a familiar conversation or recurring situation. My mind tells...
Author: Ron P