My Identity

For most of my life, I lived worrying about what others thought of me. Was I good enough? Did I do enough? I never seemed to be at peace! Once I started my relationship with Jesus, that all started to slowly change! Today, I know who I am. I have nothing to prove. Nobody to impress. But, only one to please! My identity is found in my relationship in Christ! Today, I can find the peace and joy in knowing that. I can now focus on others, instead of worrying about what others think.

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Is Your Battery Charged?

 Is your battery fully charged?..30 plus years ago when cell phones were new, they were an oddity and not accepted yet as a necessity, rather just an expensive “toy” if...
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Just Ask!

ASK… SEEK… KNOCK… These are powerful words requiring individual efforts and actions that lead to amazing and blessed results. I get caught up in my own head at times and begin to...
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Just Focus

Change must come from within…It’s such a blessing to be around folks who are sharing the changes they are making in themselves! Their positive motivation and encouragement inspire me to continue...
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What am I investing in?

“A beautiful reputation is more to be desired than great riches, and to be esteemed by others is more honorable than to own immense investments.”‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬ Am I exhausting...
Author: Ron P