Letting Go

For me, it has been a struggle to learn how to let things go! i have struggled with holding on to past hurts, and most of all, resentment towards others! I call it ”letting others live rent free inside my head”! Learning to let things go, to turn them over to God, hasn’t been easy for me. But, the more I practice that, the better I get at it. Im realizing that when I can do that, ”Let go and let God”, I can experience the peace and joy that God wants for us all! I want more of that peace!

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Spiritual Google

 A different way to “Google"Google has made life a lot easier for me! It seems whatever I need to know; from directions to anywhere to what is the name of the...
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Best Gift EVER

The best gift ever… Almost everyone has an example of the best present they have ever received. Usually, folks associate this pleasant thought with a Christmas present, a significant life change, or...
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Why Knowing the Word of God is so Important

Lifeway Research and Ligonier Ministries conduct a bi-annual "The State of Theology" survey to essentially take the theological temperature of the United States. I am sure that many of you...
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What Goes Around Comes Around

What goes around COMES around. .. Have you ever played with a bouncing ball? Did you notice that it always comes back to you with the same force you give it? Now I...
Author: Ron P