Letting Go

For me, it has been a struggle to learn how to let things go! i have struggled with holding on to past hurts, and most of all, resentment towards others! I call it ”letting others live rent free inside my head”! Learning to let things go, to turn them over to God, hasn’t been easy for me. But, the more I practice that, the better I get at it. Im realizing that when I can do that, ”Let go and let God”, I can experience the peace and joy that God wants for us all! I want more of that peace!

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Cant Keep It

 We can’t keep it unless we give it away….  It is a wonderful feeling to be able to help another person with no expectation of a gain or a return. Perhaps you...
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Help Others Because You Can

Whether we realize it or not, we are around people in need every day. Some are in our daily lives, and others we encounter randomly, or so it seems. Now the needs...
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Actions Are Louder Than Words

 Actions speak louder than words...Maybe it's just me, but every now and then, I find some good messages in the ad jingles that constantly assault us on TV and other...
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We Gotta Ask!

Ours for the asking… We have to work in some form or fashion for just about everything in life. Obviously, we work to provide for our families, and we work at getting...
Author: Ron P