Leading From the back seat


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Seasons in Our Lives

Seasons...It seems we have seasons for everything in our lives. We have clothes for the changing seasons. Heck, even Arizonans have a jacket in the closet somewhere! We have football, baseball, basketball, hockey,...
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Hard Knocks and Wisdom

There are book smarts, street smarts, and then there is wisdom... Most of us can claim to be graduates of the School of Hard Knocks. Experience teaches us much and we learn...
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How’s Your Grip?

 Get a grip… There is a big difference between being in the grip and in getting a grip. When something has a grip on us, like an illness, we are almost powerless...
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What’s Restraining You?

Restrained by our affections… What a strange thought! How can something we have an affection for restrain us? Oh, wait.... My craving for sugar restrains my healthy life, my self-centered pride restrains my ability...
Author: Ron P