Leading From the back seat


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The “Inner-Net” Connection

 The “inner-net’ connection… Plugged in, wired, and networked are terms we associate with our communications these days. I am glad I no longer need to figure out how to “interface” with folks! Wi-Fi...
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We Get What We Give

 We get what we give…It seems to be a common line of thought and an acceptable practice these days to look for the bad and find fault in others as...
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Take Time to Listen

Take time to listen before waiting to speak… Have you ever caught yourself on “auto-pilot” in a conversation? For me, it usually happens during a familiar conversation or recurring situation. My mind tells...
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Drop the Doubt

Drop the doubt… Facing the Giants is a movie close to my heart. One of the scenes in the movie involves a young man that basically has been crippled by doubt in...
Author: Ron P