keep Rising!

Keep on getting back up…. 

We face many challenges daily. 

Some we are used to and because of this we naturally know what to do to overcome them and move on. 

Some are bigger and because we don’t experience them so often, we can become confused and even feel like giving up. 

Don’t quit! 

It’s always darkest before dawn. 

If you have submitted your idea or plan to God through prayers and good works, then He has heard you and in time, HIS time, it will come to pass. 

Pastor Brian Houston from Hillsong United Church said it best, “No matter how many times you get knocked down. God is in your heart. Keep getting up and showing up” 

Keep on getting back up after being knocked down and you will not only learn but eventually succeed!…

Check your experience… 

“Some of us have taken very hard knocks to learn this truth: ….we simply do not stop… long as we place dependence upon other people ahead of dependence on God.” Big Book pg 98 

Lord, let us continue getting up after being knocked down, knowing in our hearts that if we continue to seek and do Your will, we will succeed, AMEN. 

“We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had someone who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

 Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want in? 

[email protected]
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