Help is Always Near

2 hands are better than 1… 

In my experience I have learned that most things seem to get accomplished more efficiently when another person is involved. 

From raising Miss Kai to making decisions on ministry, career, finance, and other things, I have benefited from seeking and using the wise counsel of Miss Tami and many others I am blessed to have in my life. 

Along the way I have learned that I am really never alone, so when I am faced with the need to make an 
instant choice or decision, 

I can rely on the Holy Spirit residing in me to guide my thoughts and direct my actions. 

I am not perfect, and my-self will still gets in the way more than it should, but at least...

I know that I do have the ability to seek God’s will and not rely on my own. 

How’s that working out for you?.. 

Check your experience.. 

“What was our choice to be?” Big Book pg. 53 

Lord, let us look to You through Your Holy Spirit to show us how to navigate the many choices, decisions, and temptations we face daily, AMEN. 

“Then I will ask My Father and He will give you another Helper. He will be with you forever.” John 14:16 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Please help us help others! 

Donate today! 

How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

Free daily message in your Inbox!








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