Good Water

Don’t drink the Kool-Aid, just drink the water… 

We buy products based on our experience. 

I have learned the hard way that a pretty package can be misleading. 

It’s what’s inside that counts. 

We look for the quick fix and instant gratification because that is our cultural norm these days, but do we get the long term and permanent results? 

Perhaps it’s different for you, but I have only found that through seeking spiritual growth daily and working on me and my attitudes and habits… 

Check your experience… 

“Our ideas did not work. But the God idea did.” Big Book pg. 52 

Lord, thank You for quenching the thirst in our souls through Your Word and Spirit, AMEN. 

“Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst — not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.” John 4: 14 

Have a blessed day Y’all

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System. 

AZ Charitable TAX CREDIT! 

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