Eating With The Enemy

Check out this trailer for a new Christian movie coming out:

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Be About It

Don’t talk about it…BE about it …. Have you ever noticed that the things we remember most are experiences we have participated in? Words and lessons we study are important also, and...
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Greed Friday

GREED Friday?.....Black Friday… COME EARLY and BUY THIS NOW, SAVE NOW, THE FIRST SHOPPERS GET THE DEAL!I saw this a few years ago… A Car Dealer offering $2000 off to the...
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Just Ask!

ASK… SEEK… KNOCK… These are powerful words requiring individual efforts and actions that lead to amazing and blessed results. I get caught up in my own head at times and begin to...
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As I continue on this journey called ”life”, God continues to reveal His Wisdom to me. One of the areas of my character He continues to grow is my patience....
Author: Wade