Category: Guys With God


Our Character Flaws

I don’t do what I should do and I want to do what I shouldn’t…

The age-old conundrum,..

Doing what is the expected and right thing versus the attraction of doing the opposite. 

If it weren’t for my age and experiences acquired from choosing the wrong thing, I would not have the easier time that I do today to avoid this chaos. 

Why is it that our self-will likes to rear its ugly head and try to twist our thinking to fall victim to the illusion of our mind and the wrong choice? 

As long as we walk this Earth our self-will is going to be contending with the Holy Spirit residing in each of us to interfere with God’s will for our lives

Check your experience… 

“The first requirement is that we be convinced that any life run on self-will can hardly be a success.” Big Book pg 60 

Lord, let us turn our will and our lives over to Your care daily, AMEN. 

“I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” Romans 7:18 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Looking to volunteer or plug into an existing helping opportunity in the Greater Phoenix AZ area? 

Visit Servants Hearts! 

It’s a free site to help connect folks with volunteer and helping opportunities! 

Got Heart?

The heart of the matter… 
Have you ever noticed folks that are extremely focused on whatever task, cause, or action they are performing or participating in? 
It seems something unseen is driving their behavior and or actions. 
While I am sure you have your own examples, my favorites are the basketball greats, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan. 
Those guys could inspire others to perform at the higher level they performed. 
What is that unseen thing that drives their talents and efforts? 
We have it too, and it’s called heart. 
Have you ever noticed that when you put your heart into what you are doing, it seems to go better?… 
Check your experience… 
 “His change of heart was dramatic, convincing, and moving.” Big Book pg 55 
Lord, let us put our Spirit-filled heart into whatever we are doing, AMEN. 
 “…we do not lose heart,” 2 Corinthians 4:1 
Have a blessed day y’all! 
Please help us help others! 
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Walk Your Talk

Make your actions match your words… 

Ever been in a situation where someone’s words did not match their actions? 

It not only makes it hard to trust the person or situation, but also it raises awareness to check the motives and efforts of others we interact with. 

Hopefully, it also serves as a good reminder to take a long look in the mirror to make sure our words match our actions…

Check your experience… 

“But be sure you are on solid spiritual ground before you start and that your motive in going is thoroughly good. Do not think of what you will get out of the occasion. Think of what you can bring to it.” Big Book pg 102 

Lord, let our motives match our efforts and our walk match our talk, AMEN. 

“Do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” Micah 6:8 

 Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Free daily blog emailed to you in the morning!

Am I critical, or caring?

Do my words pull people towards me, or am I pushing them away? Am I criticizing, or caring? I have often, and still struggle, with the words I allow to come out of my mouth. I often struggle with listening to understand. I sometimes am more concerned about wanting to be understood. As I continue on this journey of discovering my prideful ways, God is slowly softening my hardened heart. He is helping me to become more caring, and less critical. I am truly grateful for that.

Trust Issues?

Who ya gonna trust?… 

Trust is a strong word with heavy commitment. 

We see it on our currency and we use it as a part of our foundation for relationships with people, places, and things. 

Think about it, how many times do we use the word trust in statements we make to ourselves or others, as we finalize our action decision? 

We trust teachers with our children. 

We trust doctors with our health. 

We trust our employers to pay our wages. 

The experiences we build over time with our teachers, doctors, and employers help to build this trust. 

So where do we place our trust when we work on our spiritual life? 

Are we placing it with strangers and fads, or are we placing it in building a long-term relationship with God?…

Check your experience… 

“We trust infinite God rather than our finite selves.” Big Book pg 68 

Lord, let us place our trust in You through growing closer to You in Your Word, AMEN. 

“So God’s promise is given to us because we put our trust in Him. We can be sure of it. It is because of His loving favor to us.” Romans 4:16 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want in? 

[email protected]


Am I praying enough with and for my wife? I am not consistent enough in doing this. I need to get better at being intentional with this. In those times that I do pray with my wife, I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Starting my day with a short prayer with my wife helps us to set the tone for our day. Getting closer to God brings us closer together. We, as men, are called to be the Spiritual Leaders of our home. Praying with our spouses is a huge part of that! I need to get better at this!

Break the Chains

What are you a slave to?… 

Have you ever considered that you might be spending too much time in thought, deed, or action with someone or something? 

 Now my 12 Step friends understand this all too well with addictions and obsessions, but we can also become slaves to our jobs, the gym, and even toxic people, places, or things. 

When we find that most of our time, energy, and efforts are spent chasing someone or something to the point it influences the way we participate in the rest of the parts of our life, we are its slave. 

Think about it and….Check your experience…

“We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.” Big Book pg 83 

Lord let us be free from the chains of the many worldly temptations, AMEN. 

 ” For you are a slave to whatever controls you.” 2 Peter 2:19 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Please help us help others! Donate today! 


Am I trying to be understanding in my relationships, or am I trying to be understood? I am getting better at trying to see that we all see things differently. My perspective is different from others perspective. The struggle for me is trying to get the other person, mostly, my spouse, to understand my way of seeing things. I am called to have the heart of a servant, which, for me, means I am supposed to try to see the other persons perspective. I am to try to understand first, instead of trying to be understood. For me, it’s about my pride. Wanting things my way! Being able to see the other person’s perspective first is a struggle, but I will keep working at it. Am I trying to win the battle, or win the relationship? How is your perspective?

Knowing and Learning

How we know what we know…. 

There are all kinds of ways to learn. 

Memorizing things imprints them in our brain for a needed purpose. 

Book learning helps to grasp a concept or way of thinking. 

Cramming for a test gets us through the test. 

We learn things daily through our experiences. 

But think about it, how do we KNOW stuff? 

While we have many ways to learn, the only way we truly ever know anything is by the experience gained that is imprinted in our hearts. 

This is why the Holy Spirit lives in each of our hearts. 

God opens our hearts to receive the true knowledge we need, or, if you will, the truth…

Check your experience…

“Some of us have taken very hard knocks to learn this truth” Big Book pg 98 

Lord, let us willingly open our hearts to be filled with Your knowledge and truth, AMEN. 

 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

 Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want in? 

[email protected]


As I continue on this journey God has me on, He continues to reveal my prideful ways. It is not an easy thing to see in myself. But, I continue to remain obedient. I continue to ask Him to reveal to me each day His Wisdom. Reveal to me His truth, not the lies I so often hear, and see in myself. I continue to ask Him to help me remain obedient! It is a tough journey for me at times, but as I allow God to soften my heart, my relationship with Him grows, which than improves my relationships here in this world! I will remain obedient!