Are You Salty Enough? Mark Farley October 10, 2022 0 Likes 276 Views Seasoned with salt – NOT Salty language! Even though words fly out of our mouths with meaning formed from our emotions and experience, they can be received and interpreted differently by the individuals receiving them. Obviously, our words have different meanings depending on what part of the country we are in. For instance, asking for a pop outside of the Southern United States will get you blank stares instead of asking for a soda or other carbonated beverage. The point I am trying to share is that our words need to be geared toward the audience we are addressing. Our dinner conversations with our 23-year-old daughter revolves around more adult themed topics like finances and insurance instead of the topics we discussed with her in her younger years. Are you making sure the words you are using are being received in the right manner?.. Check your experience… “Patience, tolerance, understanding and love are the watchwords.” Big Book pg 118 Lord let our words be filled with grace and formed so that the ears of those receiving will understand, AMEN. “Live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” Colossians 4: 5-6 Have a blessed day Y’all! What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! Want in? [email protected]
How’s Your Footing? Mark Farley October 9, 2022 0 Likes 312 Views How’s your footing? … Sometimes we find ourselves on rocky, cluttered, or unstable paths as we try to walk. When we encounter these challenges, we usually become a bit more wary of each step and sometimes consider changing our path. We don’t necessarily need to change the goal or the destination, but perhaps change the way we are trying to get there. We can and will encounter some unstable paths in life and along our Spiritual walk as well. It’s in those times we can look to the Holy Spirit to guide us and set us on a clear and more stable path instead of trying to seek an easier, softer way on our own. How do you find firm footing spiritually? … Check your experience… “Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs.” Big Book pg. 63 Lord, let us look to You to establish our footing when we find ourselves on shaky ground, AMEN. “You cleared the ground under me so my footing was firm.” 2 Samuel 22:37 Have a blessed day Y’all!! Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? Free daily message in your morning inbox. I never share, sell, or publish your email.
Two Are Better Than One Mark Farley October 8, 2022 0 Likes 250 Views Two are better than one… There is a big difference between alone time and isolation. While time alone spent in prayer, meditation, and communication with God is restorative and rejuvenating, isolation blocks us off from everyone and everything leaving us to become a slave to our self-centered thoughts. Thankfully I have folks in my life who know me and help me to avoid traveling down the path of isolation. I learned long ago that a good idea only becomes great when shared with another and not left to our own thoughts. How often and how measured is your alone time?… Check your experience… “…being restored and united under one God, with hearts and minds attuned to the welfare of others,” Big Book pg. 161 Lord let us lean on our brothers and sisters in Christ for both good times and challenging seasons, AMEN. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Have a blessed day Y’all! What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! Want in? [email protected]
Actions Instead of Words Mark Farley October 7, 2022 0 Likes 236 Views Don’t talk about it…BE about it ….Have you ever noticed that the things we remember most are experiences we have participated in?Words and lessons we study are important also, and perhaps it’s different for you, but..Experiences are what I learn best from and remember the most.It seems our actions are remembered more than our words.It’s a spiritual principle that we should let our actions, or light if you will speak for us.Think about it.Light doesn’t take away from or compete with the action.It supports it silently so others can see it.That is how God wants us to let our light shine, through our actions and not our words…Check your experience…“Now we need more action, without which we find that “Faith without works is dead.” Big Book pg 76Lord, let our light shine through our actions and not our words, AMEN.“So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” James 2:17Have a blessed day y’all!Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought?
Fact or False? Mark Farley October 6, 2022 0 Likes 296 Views Resources for fact-checking… When I was working on my MBA, we were required to use verified and proven sources as we did our assignments and presented information in class. What was comforting to me about this was that not only did I have to make sure that what I was sharing with the class was verified and true, but also, I was able to relax knowing that what my classmates shared was verified and true as well. In my experience, this has helped to create a solid and powerful learning environment. Wouldn’t that be great if our culture and society required the same thing? Sure, on some levels we do, that is why there is the “fine print” at the bottom of most documents requiring our signatures, but what about the advertisements and wild claims that fly from folks’ mouths as they try to say our opinions or move us to buy or try to evoke emotions in us? It pays to check the source of the information. Sometimes selfish motives outweigh facts, and the information gets manipulated to stretch or fabricate the truth. The promises that are in the 2 most important books in my life assure me that their facts are straight and real. The Bible and the Big Book are the 2 sources I rely on daily to help me see and say the truth… How do you verify what you are seeing and hearing?.. Check your experience… “For faith in a Power greater than ourselves, and miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives, are facts as old as man himself.” Big Book pg 55 Lord, let us look to Your Word and Your will for us when we seek to learn the truth, AMEN. “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” Colossians 2:8 Have a blessed day Y’all! Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought?
Walk by Faith Mark Farley October 6, 2022 0 Likes 321 Views Faith it until you make it… We use faith in one form or another in many situations daily. For instance, when we touch a light switch, we naturally assume without much thought that the light will come on. Oh sure, a few of us, BUT NOT ME, have engineering degrees and understand all of the mechanics and physics involved in this simple act, but for the most part, folks like me trust that the light will just turn on. It’s the same experience in my car every time I turn the key to start it or apply the brakes while driving. I have faith, based on my previous experiences, that these actions will bring the desired results. The more I experience something, the stronger my faith is. It’s the same with our spiritual life. The more we spend time in the Word and with Jesus, the stronger our faith grows. We can’t buy faith, but we can surely grow it!.. Check your experience… “In this book, you read again and again that faith did for us what we could not do for ourselves.” Big Book pg 70 Lord, let us grow our faith through daily contact with You and time in Your Word, AMEN. “For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 Have a blessed day Y’all! Looking to volunteer or plug into an existing helping opportunity in the Greater Phoenix AZ area? Visit Servants Hearts! It’s a free site to help connect folks with volunteer and helping opportunities!
Just Ask! Mark Farley October 5, 2022 0 Likes 342 Views Ours for the asking… We have to work in some form or fashion for just about everything in life. Obviously, we work to provide for our families, and we work at getting things we want and like. We even work on ourselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually in order to keep healthy. One of the things that we don’t have to work for is God’s, unconditional love. He chose us and it’s ours for the asking! However, we must work to build a relationship with Him in order to grow in Christ and know His will. How is this working out for you?.. Check your experience… “God either is or He isn’t. What was our choice to be?” Big Book pg 53 Lord, thank You for choosing us and allowing us the opportunity for Your grace and everlasting life, AMEN. “You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you. I have set you apart for the work of bringing in fruit. Your fruit should last. And whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” John 15:16 Have a blessed day Y’all! Please help us help others! Donate today!
Are You Teachable? Mark Farley October 4, 2022 0 Likes 359 Views Becoming teachable…Remember the last time you were able to lay aside your preconceived notions, expectations, and self-made opinions in order to truly learn something new? Yeah, it’s been a while for me too! Part of having free will and becoming an adult is this magic magnifying mind that we have that likes to unconsciously grow and feed from our perceptions and experiences. It tries to predict situations for us as well as attempts to harden our hearts through our own self-made assessments and judgments. Until we stop this process and set aside the ability and power it has over us, we cease to truly grow spiritually. Kids don’t have this. They look at us with wide eyes and open minds thirsty to learn. It’s only when we can open our minds willingly in this manner can God truly teaches us and fill our hearts with His Spirit and wisdom. Are you still willing and able to be teachable? …Check your experience. … “But after a while, we had to face the fact that we must find a spiritual basis of life or else.” Big Book pg 44 Lord let us set aside our own thoughts and become teachable like a child for Your Word, AMEN. “He said: I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 Have a blessed day Y’all! Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought?
Heart Matters Mark Farley October 3, 2022 0 Likes 371 Views The human heart is at the heart of the human problem… It’s part of our nature to blame people, places, and things when it doesn’t turn out like we want. This thinking is built into our culture as well as society. Don’t trust me, just tune into any news broadcast or media report and the finger-pointing and blame placing is the major part of the story. This thinking, when allowed to dominate our thoughts, covers our hearts and makes it hard for the Sunlight of the Spirit to flow through our hearts and minds. Now don’t get me wrong, bad things do happen and there can be other people, places, or things involved. That is what our justice system is for. What about the veil of negativity and closed-mindedness we are left with covering our hearts and minds? I mean it’s hard to trust others, especially these days, It is a spiritual principle that we have to GIVE in order to GET, We must put away our negativity and mistrust and replace it with grace and faith. If we can open our hearts to allow Jesus to fill us with His Holy Spirit and to cover and protect us with His grace, then things turn out better… Check your experience… “Here was something at work in a human heart which had done the impossible.” Big Book pg 11 Lord, let us turn our hearts and minds over to the care of Your will and grace, AMEN. “Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their hearts are covered with that veil, and they do not understand.” 2 Corinthians 3:15 Have a blessed day Y’all! What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? Inspired365 Life Coaching with Mark Want in? [email protected]
Who is Calling? Mark Farley October 2, 2022 0 Likes 267 Views Looking at your Caller ID… Modern technology provides us with many conveniences that make our lives easier as well as more informed. From instant information available to all on the internet to digital medical records that doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies securely share, these benefits enable us to lead easier and more productive lives. One thing I particularly enjoy is caller ID. Back in the day when the wall phone in the kitchen rang, we had to answer it no matter what and we never knew who was calling. Caller ID has simplified my life. If you are on my contact list, I know it’s you and I will answer, if you are unknown to me, then you get to speak to the voice mail I check once a week! Spiritually speaking we have the same opportunity with the calls on our hearts and souls. God uses Jesus and the Holy Spirit to call on us through our hearts to not only help us but also show us His will for us. Because God loves us unconditionally, He gives us the free will to choose to take His call or not. What is our choice to be?.. Check your experience… “There had been a humble willingness to have Him with me — and He came.” Big Book pg 12 Lord, let us answer Your call knowing You have the answer for us as well as the way of grace and peace, AMEN. “…lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” Ephesians 4:1 Have a blessed day Y’all!! Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought?