My Identity

For most of my life, I lived worrying about what others thought of me. Was I good enough? Did I do enough? I never seemed to be at peace! Once I started my relationship with Jesus, that all started to slowly change! Today, I know who I am. I have nothing to prove. Nobody to impress. But, only one to please! My identity is found in my relationship in Christ! Today, I can find the peace and joy in knowing that. I can now focus on others, instead of worrying about what others think.

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What is Your Power Source?

What is your power source?.Red Bull, coffee, Protein shakes, Power Bars, and all sorts of other products promise us energy. Many other products promise to enhance our power. Bodybuilders and folks into...
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Remembering 911

Remembering 911… Remembering the survivors, victims, families, and heroes from September 11th, 2001. "The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we...
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Spiritual Google

 A different way to “Google"Google has made life a lot easier for me! It seems whatever I need to know; from directions to anywhere to what is the name of the...
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Which Road to Take?

What is our choice going to be?... We are confronted daily with many situations calling for us to make a choice. What roads to take to get to our destination, what to...
Author: Ron P