My Identity

For most of my life, I lived worrying about what others thought of me. Was I good enough? Did I do enough? I never seemed to be at peace! Once I started my relationship with Jesus, that all started to slowly change! Today, I know who I am. I have nothing to prove. Nobody to impress. But, only one to please! My identity is found in my relationship in Christ! Today, I can find the peace and joy in knowing that. I can now focus on others, instead of worrying about what others think.

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Helping Others Frees Us!

Hang on, help is on the way…..  One of the most freeing experiences for me is to help another person.  It frees me from the burden of self and puts perspective onto...
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A Design for Living

Keeping our eyes on our own paper…. Remember hearing that when we were in grade school? The temptation to look at our neighbor’s work is based on the fear of doing something...
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Bad Moment

Don’t turn a bad moment into a bad day...It was in hearing and learning the St. Francis prayer in AA that I first learned that in order to be forgiven,...
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Transparent = Walking Your Talk

Being transparent… Isn’t it nice when it turns out that things and people ARE what they seem? We don’t get to experience much of that today, but it sure is refreshing when...
Author: Ron P