Affections not Afflictions

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Our Tricky Minds

Our tricky minds…Sometimes when I let my mind wander, it tries to take me down the path of doubt. If I permit this “stinkin’ thinkin’” to continue then the path widens...
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We all use some form of DEPENDS!..Yup, I said it! While the adult diaper is a necessity for some folks, we all have something we DEPEND upon. Think about it! We depend on...
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Our Character Flaws

I don’t do what I should do and I want to do what I shouldn’t...The age-old conundrum,..Doing what is the expected and right thing versus the attraction of doing the...
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Personal Power Source

What is your power source?..Red Bull, coffee, Protein shakes, Power Bars, and all sorts of other products promise us energy. Many other products promise to enhance our power. Bodybuilders and folks...