
For me, I truly believe that my relationships are the most challenging, yet most rewarding experiences that I will ever have and go through in my life! For me, in my marriage, am I fighting about it, or am I fighting for it? Am I trying to win the battles, or am I trying to win the relationship? I struggle with wanting to always be right. Thinking my ways are the best ways! Being prideful! Those are times when I find myself fighting about the relationship. If I can swallow my pride, and realize that we want the same things in our marriage, but that we just have different ways of achieving them, neither way being right or wrong, just different, than I can continue to fight for our relationship! I have to have that mindset in all my relationships. In the end, all that matters is God and people!

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We Become What We Think

 Are we producing good fruits?..We are the product of our thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Actors play roles and assume traits of the characters they are portraying. I think I began to learn...
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Fear or Faith

Fear or Faith...How do you know if it's fear or faith that drives your thoughts and actions! Maybe it’s different for you but my experience has taught me that when I...
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Which Way to Go?

“You can go your own way"... A great song by Fleetwood Mac. It’s great to be independent and it’s our nature to be self-sufficient and self-supporting. Yet, we still need to get our...
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What’s in Your Heart?

What's in your heart?... We all have this autopilot inside of us that handles our daily routine functions. Breathing and walking are the obvious ones but what about those expected and meaningless...
Author: Ron P