Help Others in a Good Way

 Helping others ain’t a chance for a selfie or a photo op….

Years ago when I was working at the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter on 12th and B in Sacramento, it used to make me angry on those few occasions where a few people merely came to volunteer just so they could be seen helping a homeless person. 

While I was glad to have groups of volunteers come to help us to feed the homeless, I guess what made me so angry, and still does to this day, is that their heart was not in it, and their motive in being there was purely selfish. 

That is why to this very day I qualify ALL of my volunteers, to make sure they are there to help others and are not just there for a “photo op” to be seen helping another. 

I am not judging them, but I am dedicated to making sure that those I organize to volunteer are doing so because they want to help another. 

I get it, not all of us are comfortable with this type of volunteering. 

 Heck, I have no mechanical skills and I am honest enough with myself and others not to try to help fix a car or anything requiring tools. 

Experience has shown me and others that I am merely in the way and not being of service to anyone.

We all have gifts of service, but not in every category. 

What are / where are your gifts of service best used?.. 

Check your experience… 

 “Helping others is the foundation stone” Big Book pg. 97

Lord let us use our gifts and talents in areas that can benefit others and not for gaining attention, AMEN. 

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” Mathew 6:1 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

 How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 
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