Where is All the Good News?!?

Where is all the good news?.. 

We hear stories about road rage and other examples of incidents that are fueled by emotional reactions all the time. 

While it grabs our attention for a moment, much like fights in a hockey match, it really is not newsworthy. 

Our media loves to show the negative side of life. 

YouTube is full of fight and conflict-video clips. 


Because it grabs our attention and gives us that momentary human feeling of entitlement based on the thinking; “well at least I am not THAT bad.” 

It’s hard to find stories about good works and good deeds, especially anonymous good deeds. 

 For whatever reason it doesn’t get ratings, viewers, or website clicks. 

However, when we do something good or helpful for someone else without expecting to be seen, caught, or recognized, our hearts gain this feeling of joy and happiness. 

Come on, you know you feel this! 

That is the Holy Spirit inside your heart jumping for joy! 

We don’t need it to be broadcast on the news or to be in the limelight for it because we are receiving our unasked-for reward for helping others…

Check your experience. … 

 “…asking each morning in meditation that our Creator show us the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness, and love.” Big Book pg. 83 

Lord, let us share encouragement and blessings with others in the same way You so freely share with us, AMEN. 

“May the patience and encouragement that come from God allow you to live in harmony with each other” Romans 15:5 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System.


AZ Charitable TAX CREDIT! 
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