What’s on Your Agenda?

 What’s on your agenda?.. 

We are busy folks and we rely on schedules, calendars, appointments, and other tools to keep us on track and on time. 

It’s a part of our lives and culture. 

Have you ever taken a moment to consider who or what drives our need to have these daily, weekly, and monthly agendas? 

Sure, I get it, we need to stay organized and we all are juggling many balls in order to make this life thing work. 

But wouldn’t it be nice if instead of just our yearly vacations, we could set our own agendas according to our spiritual needs? 

It’s part of a healthy routine to carve out time for daily physical fitness as well as spiritual time. 

So….what is on your agenda today?.. 

Check your experience… . 

“For the first time, he lived in conscious companionship with his Creator.” Big Book pg 56 

Lord, let us set part of our daily agenda to spend time with You and Your Word, AMEN. 

“God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure” Ephesians 1:5 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Did  you know that Mentorship can help you grow and achieve your goals and dreams? 

Inspired 365 Mentorship with Mark Farley!!


Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

[email protected]








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