Stay on the Path

The path that God has me on is both a privilege and a peril. I sometimes feel burdened by it. Am I doing the right thing? What do others think? As long as I feel I am doing what God calls me to do, I am to not worry about what others think. What God is doing in me is not always revealed at first. As long as I continue to trust in what God is doing in and through me, stay on the path, His Blessings will continue to help me grow in the joy and peace He wants for us all!

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Praying to Want What We Get

Focus… It’s amazing to me how elite athletes stay focused on their game despite the distractions all around them, or how actors and artists keep their focus on their craft and...
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Living Our Faith

As long as we do OUR part willingly…. People who are living with grace, joy, and peace have that happy glow about them. What I have learned is that they get this...
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No Room?

There was no room at the inn, but what about in our hearts?.. It’s Christmas Eve Y'all! Please stop the hurried pace for a moment today and pause to remember that JESUS is...
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Affections not Afflictions

Author: Ron P