Some Gave All…

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Work or Love?

Work is one of them 4 letter words…..Work seems to be a heavy word. There are things in life we must do that we don’t necessarily enjoy that require work. From simple...
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33 Years Ago

33 years ago I was a broken man, hopelessly alcoholic and addicted to methamphetamine. In jail.. again… for my 10th DUI I was to be sent to prison. I was...
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In Your Mind’s Eye

In your mind’s eye… Have you ever noticed what your mind remembers in minute detail compared to other things that are foggy to the memory? Now maybe it’s different for you, but...
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Not Our First Rodeo

Que sera sera, whatever will be will be…. What makes the Bible so vibrant and vital to every generation and time period, including today is the fact that despite minor details,...