Seek the Good

Looking for the good…

It just comes naturally.

We are prone to look for the wrong, talk about the negative, and point out the faults in others.

Our culture and society has trained us to think, act, and react this way.

As a result, we seem to only see and hear about these things.

Ever seen a newscast devoted to showing the good things folks are doing?

We become what we are exposed to and our environment can conflict with our spiritual walk


I propose that we should shift our thinking to look for the good, talk about what is positive, and catch people doing things right!

Try this for a day and see how much better you feel!..

Check your experience…

“We were prepared to look for it from an entirely different angle.” Big Book pg. 66

Lord let us look for the good and lift others up instead of constantly bringing them down, AMEN.

“So, encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

 Have a blessed day Y’all!

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