Resist the Temptations (Proverbs 1:10-19)

Jesus never tells us to withdraw from the world. The challenge is to be ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world’. You are called to resist the temptations of the world around you.

The book of Proverbs gives practical advice on how to achieve this balance. Do not let others entice you into sin: ‘My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.’ (v.10). ‘If they say, “Come along with us…”’ (v.11), do not to give in to them.

Many people have been led into bad situations by others saying to them, ‘Come along with us.

Do not be enticed into sin by the fact that everybody else seems to be doing something – evading tax or travel fares, getting drunk or being promiscuous. Do not follow the crowd: ‘Do not walk in the way with them’ (v.15). Just because others are doing it, does not make something acceptable. We cannot justify our actions on the basis that it is the way in which the world works.

In the end, if your ‘feet run to evil’ (v.16), or you go after ‘unjust gain’ (v.19a), it takes away your life. ‘When you go after everything you can, this is what happens: the more you get, the less you are’ (v.19).

The enticement of the world is very strong. Yet, nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Lord, I pray that you will give me the strength to resist all the temptations of the world and not to be enticed into sin. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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