P.A.G.L.E.G.S. Baggage

What fuels our self-will?…

Think about it, the character defects of Pride, Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth (PAGLEGS) to my 12 Step friends are the driving forces behind every incident of self-will here on Earth. 

God knew this when He created us and knows this to be true of every human because it’s included in our free will. 

Our hope is in the fact that we can turn our will over to the care of God and then these defects of character can no longer run our lives and put us into situations that cause us and others pain. 

What makes the Bible so vibrant and vital to every generation and time period, including today, is the fact that despite minor details, there is nothing new that the Bible doesn’t address… 

Check your experience… 

“As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day “Thy will be done.” We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or foolish decisions. We become much more efficient.” Big Book pgs 87-88 

Lord, let us turn our will and our lives over to you daily and receive grace, peace, comfort, and direction, AMEN. 

“What has been is the same as what will be, and what has been done is the same as what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 

Have a blessed day Y’all!! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 


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