Offer a Hand Up Instead of a Hand Out

Give a hand up and not a handout… 

Have you ever noticed that when you give stuff to people for free, they will usually take it? 

It’s a nice thing to give to others and that is what we should do as part of our spiritual growth and walk with Christ, but sometimes helping actually hurts those you are giving to. 
Stop giving them fish and instead teach them to fish! 

Think about it, if we continue to provide for others without teaching them or giving them a chance to provide for themselves,…

then we are hurting their growth and not really helping. 

It’s good to give, please don’t misunderstand,..

but it’s not helpful if we continue to give and do for the same people over and over without giving them a chance to learn how to provide for themselves.

Check your experience…. 

“Your job now is to be at the place where you may be of maximum helpfulness to others,” Big Book pg 102 

Lord, let us share our bounty with others as you so generously share with us, but let us share with a motive of helping with hand UP and not a hand-OUT, AMEN. 

“Treat others as you want them to treat you.” Luke 6:31 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

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Book and Bible!

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