
As I continue on this journey God has me on, He continues to reveal my prideful ways. It is not an easy thing to see in myself. But, I continue to remain obedient. I continue to ask Him to reveal to me each day His Wisdom. Reveal to me His truth, not the lies I so often hear, and see in myself. I continue to ask Him to help me remain obedient! It is a tough journey for me at times, but as I allow God to soften my heart, my relationship with Him grows, which than improves my relationships here in this world! I will remain obedient!

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How’s Your Footing?

How’s your footing? … Sometimes we find ourselves on rocky, cluttered, or unstable paths as we try to walk. When we encounter these challenges, we usually become a bit more wary of...
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Just Ask!

ASK… SEEK… KNOCK… These are powerful words requiring individual efforts and actions that lead to amazing and blessed results. I get caught up in my own head at times and begin to...
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Thought Battles

Picking our battles… Perhaps it’s different for you but every now and then when I am alone with my thoughts, the quiet thought that has been with me for most of...
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We Gotta Supply the Mustard

 We gotta supply the mustard...There is a good story about prayer I learned long ago. It's a reflective question and goes something like this; If you sit in a dark closet all...
Author: Ron P