We have answers and solutions and fixes for just about everything imaginable these days.
The internet, TV, and most brick-and-mortar retail stores have the ability to sell packaged solutions to almost any need. I like that “flabs to abs” idea, but I hear – tell that ultimately it really requires providing the willingness and effort to eat right and exercise.
I am sure it’s the same for almost any other challenge or situation we face.
To get better it requires our participation and willingness to either change or participate.
The bottom line involved in any interaction, positive or negative, is that spiritual emotion or state of being that we all are born with, which is love.
If we can bring our love to the situation or task at hand, the Holy Spirit within us can then participate with us and guide us to the healthy outcome we seek.
Are you bringing your spiritual love to your situations?..
Check your experience…
“Patience, tolerance, understanding, and love are the watchwords.” Big Book pg. 118
Lord, let us bring the love in our hearts, supplied by Your Spirit into every situation we face, both good and bad, AMEN.
“Love takes everything that comes without giving up. Love believes all things. Love hopes for all things. Love keeps on in all things. Love never comes to an end.” 1 Corinthians 13: 7-8
Have a blessed day Y’all!
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