If Nothing Changes…

If nothing changes then nothing changes…

None of us are perfect. We each have things that need our attention and cannot be fixed without our participation and ownership. 

We need to own our challenges, struggles, and shortcomings. 

The good news is that God can and will help us if we stay willing and provide the effort! 

When He can see our efforts fueled by our motivation to change, then He can heal us! 

Ask yourself if you are participating in your own improvement and as always… 

check your experience… 

“..we did because we honestly wanted to, and were willing to make the effort.” Big Book pg 22. 

Lord fill our hearts with the desire to change and the drive to provide the needed efforts, AMEN.

 “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” Luke14:27 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

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