How is my prayer life?

Am I praying enough? Am I praying ”the right way”? Am I praying for what I want, or for what I actually need? For me, I used to pray ”scripted” prayers. I didn’t really pray from my heart. Today, I try to have an ongoing conversation with God all day long. For me, I feel more connected to the presence of the Holy Spirit when I just ”talk” to God. For me, it feels more relational. That relationship than helps me to have more meaningful relationships with the people in my life, and with those I come across each day!

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It’s Good to Help Others

 Helping others helps yourself…Ol Zig Ziglar said it best; "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."It’s simple and...
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What am I investing in?

“A beautiful reputation is more to be desired than great riches, and to be esteemed by others is more honorable than to own immense investments.”‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:1‬ ‭TPT‬‬ Am I exhausting...
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Transforming Time

Be transformed..... Those pesky expectations I sometimes allow to sneak in and dominate my thinking always cause me confusion when real everyday life fails to match up to the picture in my...
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Expectations and Rights

I have these “rights”...Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? Maybe even a week or longer where things just are not working out? I have...
Author: Ron P