Heart Thoughts

Check the thoughts that reside in your heart…

Have you ever considered the differences between the thoughts in your head and your heart? 

In my head my thoughts tend to be focused on myself. 

They race wildly about jumping from emotional wants to materialistic and other self-centered actions. 

If these were left unchecked by my heart, they would cause me all kinds of grief like they used to before I gained sobriety and began walking with Jesus. 

For instance, my head will say “go ahead and tell them what you really think right now!” 

Where my heart says, “Wait until your anger goes away and pray on this before you respond with words you will regret.” 

I find when I listen to the thoughts in my heart my day goes much better!.. 

 Check your experience… 

“His change of heart was dramatic, convincing, and moving.” Big Book pg. 55 

 Lord let us first give our thoughts to our heart to let Your Holy Spirit guide our responses and quiet our emotional need to react, AMEN. 

“And Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?” Matthew 9:4 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

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