Guarding Our Words

I got my tongue in front of my eye tooth and couldn’t see what I was saying…

Ever experienced delayed remorse as the words based on the emotion of the moment go flying out of your mouth, only to immediately be followed by the heart driven words of “I didn’t mean that!” ??…

Emotions fuel our words and actions and when left unchecked by our heart and Spirit can cause pain and hurt to others as well as amends work for us.

I have spent the past few years in my walk with Christ learning to RESPOND with grace and kindness rather than my old way of REACTING with the emotion of the moment.  

Now most of y’all know how much I despise numbers but counting to 10 during an emotional moment has become a tool that I use to disconnect from the emotion of the moment and reconnect with my heart and the Holy Spirit.  

I find when I do this I am no longer held hostage by my emotions and my words do not cause harm…

Check your experience…

Patience, tolerance, understanding and love are the watchwords.” Big Book pg. 118

Lord let us guard our words by responding in grace instead of reacting with emotions, AMEN. 

“So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!” James 3:5

Have a blessed day y’all!

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